martes, 14 de julio de 2020

Excercises for protection from the Coronavirus.



SHIMMERING (shimmer mean to send forth light)


In these 20 years participating in the workshops that the Arcturians through David K Miller gave to us, we always learned something new. I remember in July of 2007 we were in Mount Shasta and several of us formed a circle in one area near the trails that go to the top of the mountain, and we sang Shimmering, Shimmering, Shimmering, clapping our hands.   And we felt very happy, singing and clapping and watching the sunset.

We understood that our bodies, (physical, emotional, spiritual and our aura) has a vibrational energy.  And each person has a different frequency of vibration.  Some has higher vibration, and other has lower. And we understood that our thoughts, words, and actions if they are negative, they lower the vibration of our energy.  If we are positive, and are in harmony and our thoughts, words, and actions are of love to ourselves and everybody, the vibration of our energy is high.

When we are “Shimmering”, with our intention, are making our energy vibrate in a higher rate.

Of course, we as human beings always are fluctuating between both ranges.  One day we awake very depressed, with fear for the future or for the present that we must live, and our thoughts are negative and lower the vibration of our energy.  But we can stop that with one small meditation, and perhaps using the conscious act of shimmer, and see how this work.

To probe what it is shimmer.  We can open our arms, as if we were ready to give a hug to someone and move our hands several times the fast that we can do singing “shimmering, shimmering, shimmering” And we can feel the vibration in all our body and even perceiving some sound that the vibration make.  And open more your arms when you are doing it, because you are expanding your aura more and more to 50 centimeters around your body. After that, begin the exercise to prevent the virus in your body, or the other exercise to clean your body of the virus or bacteria that is hurting it.  Try it!


Exercises for Protection from the Coronavirus

(adapted from March 7, 2020 lecture “The Coronavirus, its Ramifications for Humanity and Exercises for Protection” by David K. Miller)

Prevention of Virus from entering the Energy Field--These three exercises prevent the coronavirus from coming through your energy field.

Cosmic Egg Exercise.


Take three breaths; go into a deep state of relaxation.

Command your aura to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg and expand to a point of eight to ten to twelve inches away from your physical body. Scan the aura for holes.

Visualize an outer blue line around your entire aura.

Shimmer the aura

The coronavirus is at a lower vibrational energy speed. That means that if your aura is protected, and is shimmering and vibrating at a higher speed, then that virus cannot come into your aura.

As you are visualizing this shimmering and increased rapid vibration, visualize that the shimmering blue line is emitting little Pac-Man-like icons, like in the video game “Pac-Man”. The Pac-Man icons are eating up and neutralizing, or rejecting or pushing away, any viruses that are attempting to come into your energy system.

Again, see these little Pac-Men running around your aura as you are shimmering, eating up or pushing away the intrusions from viruses such as the coronavirus. 

See those little Pac-Men now, destroying and defending and eating any intruding, vibrational, pathogenic entities.

Neutralization Light Exercise: The second aspect of this defense structure or strategy is what I call “neutralization”, which is based on the concept that the intrusion of this virus is hot; it is causing a warmth, a heat, that is going into the aura. In neutralization, we bring down a vibrational energy field that counteracts the heat, and in this case, we can do this by downloading a neutralizing light into your aura. This neutralizing light can stay around the aura. It will emit a protective energy field which will neutralize any virus trying to enter your aura so that it will become harmless.

See your Crown Chakra opening up, and I, Juliano, (our 5th dimensional Arcturian friend) I am sending down into your Crown Chakra, a neutralizing light. This neutralizing light can counteract the heat of the coronavirus.

WHEN Virus enters Energy Field- Here you assume that the coronavirus or other virus came into your energy field, and possibly even into your body, but you can still eject it through the Vibrational Medicine work.

Contracted Ball Exercise 

Command your aura to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg, and expand to a point of eight to ten to twelve inches away from your physical body.

Now, you will begin to contract your aura. Visualize that your aura is now 8 inches away from your physical body.

Your aura, shaped as a Cosmic Egg, is now 7 inches from your body and getting closer to your body.

It is now 6 inches away and getting closer.

It is now 5 inches and getting closer. 

4 inches, 3 inches, 2 inches, 1 inch. 

Your aura is exactly even with your body.

And now, we are going to go inward, and the aura comes 1 inch into your body. 

2 inches, but as it is coming into your body,

Your aura it is getting smaller and smaller. It is coming through the bones into the internal organs, and it is coming inward more and more.

It is contracting more, and now it is right in the center of your stomach as a contracted, small ball.

Your aura is now a contracted, small ball, but a very powerful ball, filled with quantum healing powers.

And now, this contracted ball is going to expand, and as it expands, it will push outward from the stomach, and then it will go through the circulatory system, the immune system, the nervous system, any and all systems in your body. As it is expanding again, it is pushing out all viruses, all pathogens, all negative energies, even all negative entities that might be in your system. All of this is being pushed out. 

Repeat this Aura contract and expand expulsion exercise 3TIMES 

As the expulsion is completed, you notice that your aura is totally cleansed.  You are ritually purified, and your aura is vibrating naturally, at its correct speed and energy.


Subconscious Activation Exercise

When you do the exercises, such as the Pac-Man, the shimmering and the neutralization, you may want the effects of those exercises to be available to you without your consciously thinking about the exercises.

Say you are with a group of people or you are at work. You are not going to be able to start doing this shimmering or neutralization in front of people; it just would not be socially appropriate. But when you want this to be done as needed, say: “I hereby give permission for my Subconscious to activate one or all of these methods as needed, wherever I am and whenever I have the need. Let these two methods activate and perform as needed.”  You can make up this affirmation in your own words.  These instructions and methods are now downloaded into your Subconscious and can be used as needed. Of course, if you are in a situation where you can consciously acknowledge and perform the exercise, then so much the better.


Copyright David K. Miller.